For Saratoga City Council 2020

Dear Saratogans, A very warm welcome to you! 

Saratoga has been my home for the last 19 years, and I am your candidate for the City Council election this year. Covid-19 and recent hillside fire danger has only highlighted the need for careful planning ahead. With my well rounded leadership experience, I am ready to take up this new responsibility and serve again. I will bring a fresh, yet seasoned representation to the Council. I will ensure the safety and well being of all Saratogans from day one. 

It has been my honor to serve the City of Saratoga as a Planning Commissioner for the last 10 years, twice as Chair, and twice as Vice-Chair. I have had the privilege of working with this wonderful community in all neighborhoods, giving me an opportunity to learn intimately the characteristics of Saratoga, its downtown, hillsides and the flat lands. As your public servant, I have a proven record of hard work, due diligence and fairness.

I love Saratoga, and I want to renew our focus on issues that matter the most to our community. That is why I am running for City Council. My business credentials, professional expertise as a trained architect, and long term involvement with our community have helped define these goals for me as a council member:

Protect Saratoga's Character

Today, Saratoga's small town identity with its cherished open spaces is threatened by state laws.  We have already lost Quito Center to developer greed and we are left with just one grocery store in town; other commercial districts are at risk. We need better focus against external rules that would otherwise ruin our identity, peace and quiet. I will work to protect our neighborhoods' character.

Transparent Government

I want our local government to be more engaged with the community. I have been a long term voice for your concerns, and with your support, shall continue to be so. Our processes need to be more transparent, and I am ready to lead the charge for an open and more effective local government. The City Council can lead well only when Saratogans are well informed and more engaged.


The current pandemic has certainly impacted us all. During these trying times, the open spaces and greenery of Saratoga, Tree-City-USA, are even more appreciated as I see young families and seniors walking, jogging and bicycling in our safe neighborhoods. I intend to fully preserve our natural resources for our future generations. 

Fiscal Accountability & Development

I am a firm believer in fiscal accountability. With my professional business background, I will continue to work for a fiscally sound Saratoga. I will work tirelessly for the vibrancy of our downtown. I have worked on the Village development plan before, and am ready to lead that effort as your council member.

Senior Citizens

Our senior citizens are a treasure.  As I fondly remember my parents and grandparents, I am fortunate to enjoy the company of senior citizens in my neighborhood, and beyond. I will work for your safety and aging in place.

No Special Interests

I will be representing Saratogans, and not some special interests. I will be an experienced voice, with a balanced approach, respectful and always following due process. Citizens need not worry about losing representation.

I respectfully ask for your vote, and your support.
You can count on me. Thank you.

Some of my Saratoga Planning Commission projects:

My basic principles

My teamwork principles

Letters to the editor:

Oct 16, 2020

League of Women Voters
Saratoga City Council Candidate Forum, Sept 28, 2020:

SRC organized Saratoga City Council Candidate Forum,
Live streamed on Oct 06, 2020. 4:00pm-5:30pm:

Saratoga Chamber of Commerce City Council Forum. Oct 14, 2020: