My Saratoga Experience

Balancing preservation and development

City Council: 2020 - present

Mayor of Saratoga: 2021-2022

Planning Commissioner: 2010 - 2020

Planning Commission Chair:  2012 - 2013  &  2017 - 2018

Planning Commission Vice-Chair:  2011 - 2012  2016 - 2017

As a trained architect and with my business background, I am business friendly and I truly understand the balance between development and preservation.

I am well qualified to direct policy changes in Saratoga, for I am the only candidate this year who has worked with all the elements of the General Plan. 

General Plan

The city of Saratoga, like 450+ other California cities, runs under the framework of its six-element General Plan. The city would not function well without each of these elements functioning harmoniously.

Please click on each element below for more details of my work:

Land Use

In 2018, I chaired the Planning Commission study session to update Saratoga’s Land Use Element; the central framework for development in our City.

I have worked with all Saratoga neighborhoods for a decade, and understand their unique characteristics.

With my professional background in architecture and 10 years of Planning Commission experience, I am uniquely qualified, to direct the Land Use policy.


Traffic safety is an important component of the Circulation Element. In 2018, I chaired the joint study session between the Planning Commission and the Traffic Safety Commission. 

This Element addresses the transportation requirements of the Land Use Element. The Circulation Element guides development of various modes of transportation, including bikes, pedestrian and motor vehicles, in the city.


The Housing Element is updated every 8 years. Regional and state agencies set future housing needs of our city based on their judgments from afar

As a Planning Commissioner, I participated in updating the current Housing Element. I contributed in multiple in-depth study sessions and workshops, aimed at determining ways to provide more housing as per state requirements -- these are forced upon us.  I strived to minimize its impact on the character of our existing neighborhoods and I am ready to safeguard Saratoga's interests.

This is coming up soon for the next update, and it will affect Saratoga significantly.

Open Space & Conservation

Saratogans cherish their open spaces. These two Elements identify existing open space and natural resources within the community, and set goals and policies for their preservation.  

I chaired a study session in 2018 between the Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission.


The Noise Element identifies and characterizes the different noise levels in our environment. To preserve our quiet residential environment, we need to keep noise pollution under control. 

Noise Element was revised with public input in various study sessions. I also worked on Noise requirements for our Village: to balance the needs of its residents and businesses. 

My goal, then and now, is to maintain peace and quiet in our neighborhoods


The Safety Element is about planning for all eventualities. We live in an area where hazards are common, such as geologic dangers, floods, and wildfires. We take our infrastructure for granted, and any event can be very costly and profoundly disruptive. 

I chaired a Planning Commission study session and a public meeting in 2013 to discuss potential hazards, emergency preparedness and disaster planning.


I served as Chair and Vice-Chair for most of the Planning Commission updates to the Village Design Guidelines.

Based on comprehensive public surveys, I helped create policies and guidelines to preserve the historic character, small town feel and scale of the village. These are topics of great interest to Saratogans.

I attended meetings with business owners and property owners, and also held joint meetings with the Heritage Preservation Commission.

Garrod Ranch Annexation

I was Vice-Chair and Chair for this important project, which brought Garrod Ranch fully into Saratoga. It took over a year of hard work from the Planning Commission. My work was detail oriented, and I did my due diligence before enthusiastically approving this project. 

While the recent Mountain Winery annexation was disruptive to our community, as witnessed, Garrod's annexation hearings were quite the opposite. I have a record of being sensitive to our business needs and I can balance them well with our residential needs.

Residential Design Handbook

This handbook guides homeowners, architects and developers alike for new or remodel residential projects. As a trained architect, I was a core contributor to this document. I endeavored to capture our city's character and charm in this handbook. It provides flexible guidelines for home design and landscaping, and it also focuses on our hillsides.


I chaired Planning Commission meetings for creating the first wireless ordinance in 2012. I support residents' right to be included in the review process.